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The José Saramago Extraordinary Chair of UNAM, the Department of Portuguese Letters of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of UNAM and the Camões Institute of Cooperation and Language invite researchers and students to submit proposals for presentations at the First International Afro-Luso-Brazilian Sessions which, this year, will be dedicated to the Nobel Prize in Literature of 1998, José Saramago, as part of the centennial celebrations. As invited lecturers, the Sessions will be attended by the Portuguese writer Paulo José Miranda, winner of the first José Saramago Literary Prize (1999), and Prof. Doctor Burghard Baltrusch, President of the first José Saramago International Chair at the University of Vigo.

The Sessions will be held at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of UNAM, on December 5, 6 and 7, 2022, with the objective of bringing together researchers, students and teachers whose focus is the Portuguese language, in its different cultural and literary manifestations, in order to foster dialogue and enrich reflection among the different approaches and institutions. 

In this sense, proposals for individual presentations or panels in Portuguese, Spanish and English are accepted for the following sections: 


I. Saramago Studies 

II. African Literatures in Portuguese 

III. Portuguese Literature 

IV. Brazilian Literature 

V. Children's Literature

VI. Portuguese as a Foreign Language 

VII. Comparative Literature: translation and editing of Portuguese works abroad - with special interest in the Hispanic American context. 


Deadline for submission of proposals: September 20, 2022, through the form below. The acceptance of proposals will be made known at the beginning of October 2022. 



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